Execution Aspects

Though each interview is different yet there are certain common executing activities which can be performed by the applicant in all interviews. Remember one thing “first impression may or may not be the last one, but it definitely is a lasting impression “. Make sure you get it rightly done.
Before interview
 Give yourself a plenty of time –don’t put yourself under extra pressure by rushing into unnecessary things.
 Take your up to date copy of your resume; being clean and crisp along with note book and pen.
 Be at the interview facility on time. Don’t arrive too early (as it might indicate how unoccupied you are) nor late (definitely out of the question).
 Take few deep breaths before the interview. Stand up straight with shoulders back (it will make you feel more confident). Get comfortable and find the rest room.
 Observe your surroundings to get a feel of the workplace.
 Turn off your mobile.
“The secret of success in life is for you to be ready for your opportunity when it comes.”
Being in process
 Be courteous, polite, respectful and formal to everyone you meet.
 When you meet the interviewer look directly at the person, smile, and give a firm handshake this show your confidences.
 Present the interviewers with the feeling that you are in full control and comfortable by keeping a smile on the face.
 Don’t address them by Mr. /Mrs. Or their surname unless they ask you to call them so.
 Maintain a good body posture. Sit up straight .Don’t cross your arms (this gives impression of putting up a barrier between you and the interviewers).
 Be honest to your deed and voice.
 Think and speak positively .Try to avoid negativity as much as possible.
 Don’t pretend to be someone you are not. The interviewers are an expert of their job and will immediately catch hold of any dishonest statement or action you portray wrongly.
 Maintain an eye contact with the interviewer. One of the best way to project confidence in you is to maintain eye contact with them ,do not glance here and there or up and down for it shows your nervousness.
 Body Language: we do communicate great many things non verbally. Sit up straight, do not shake your legs or tap your feet in nervousness. Do not fiddle with your hair or rub your hands, after all the interviewer may get distracted.
 The interviewer will go through your resume or ask for an introduction. Start from your current job and go back. Don’t go into deep past if you have tons of experiences .Make sure you end your follow ups at your highest qualification in academics. Spoken last have longer impression.
 Interviewers are generally pressed for time and their objective is to identify the viable candidates from the weak ones so idle conversation or small talk are generally not appreciated. But if there is something you genuinely appreciate; like office decor, office campus ,basic amenities, then give compliments whole heartily, but not for the sake of it.
 Reply to questions clearly and concisely.
 Give time and listen to each and every word the interviewers have to say. Your answer must be in line with what interviewers ask you. There have been many candidates just waiting for the interviewer to finish, so that they can bust out their opinion or their side of the story. This annoys them.
 Make a note of any questions to ask or any point you would like to return later to cover.
 Keep quiet and speak up only when the interviewer ask or expects you to say.
 Maintain a positive attitude throughout the conversation. For example when the interviewer asks for the reason for you quitting your present job do not say something negative like, “there are too many politics or the compensation is not good enough for my talents”. Keep it on the positive side by saying something like, “I‘ve read plenty about your company and would cherish the challenging opportunity that lies ahead”.
Leading to closure
 Stay in full control when you are asked to cover your points or queries or also when you are given the opportunity to speak.
 Avoid asking questions on the role you are going to perform, the ladder how it leads up the CEO and growth path, compensation. Only try to create an atmosphere that you are interested to know more about the work that you are going to perform in near future.
 Never be the first to bring compensation into discussion during interview unless the interviewer intends to do so. If they bring it up then speak up! Although finances are important factor yet interviewer do not want it to be the focus of your attention as an potential employee of an organization as it may appear your faithfulness would be attributed to money rather than the role you are offered.
 Always be eager to learn. Its okay to not know everything .If you get struck on some question and don’t know what to say politely let the interviewers know about it. But also make it a point to ask what the answer was, once they are done with all the questions .This shows your eagerness to learn ,while at the same time is often considered useful from an employer point of view.
 At the end of most interview your potential employers will ask you if you have any questions you want to ask them , you should prepare at least a few of questions and pick the one that are the most relevant to ask. This shows that you’ve done your research and are excited about the position. If you just smile and say that you have no questions, this makes it look like, you don’t care about the position all that much. Here are some things you can ask about:
“Details about an aspect of the job you‘d like to know more about.” “Asking what your daily life on the job would be.” “How much time you’d spend collaborating with other co-workers.” “Asking what their favorite part of working for the company is.” “Asking about other ways u can get involved at the company in addition to job deception.”
Always Remember “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure.” Get it done in the best possible approach with utmost level of confidence and honesty. All the best!!