Learn to be Ethical
Here are five elementary ethics which each applicant must take into considerations before applying for the interview. Although, they may not provide you with direct impact but these moral codes practice can bear a powerful influences in the interviewer’s knowledge, else if violated may lead furious or horrific fallout.
Always provide accurate information about your qualifications and interests.
Never falsify and at the same time by no means misrepresent data such as your grades, academic major,
coursework completed, experience claims, or extracurricular activities on the resume or in the interview.
Apply for interview only when you are sincerely interested in the position.
Acknowledge invitations for on-site interviews promptly, whether you accept or reject the job.
Interview is a mutual dialogue session between both the interviewer and an applicant. Thus, it is important
to treat the interview as a meeting and not a moment of judgment.
Notify employers well in advance (24 hours preferably) if you postpone or cancel an on-site interview.
Interview is just a matter of mutuality where both the parties measure each other’s expectations jointly,
by creating an environment of empathy.Never take it to be aggressive, always try to be submissive during
the whole process.