Handy clues and hints for a Female Candidate
The landscape for job seekers nowadays is more treacherous than at any past time. If you want a job today, you actually have to work hard for it. The very step in this respect is to power –up your non verbal communication. You need to set out for the extra image mile. Here are some of the handy clues and hints for the female candidates.
Wear good quality garments.
Clothes should be clean and well pressed.
Avoid seductive clothing at all costs.
Wear preferably, a business suits. You can wear the national dress if you do not look well in suits. But
however national dress may not work for international assignments.
Dresses must be conservative, avoiding bold colours, dramatic prints, low cut necklines, spaghetti straps
and exposed midriffs.
Skirts should not be above knee length. However dark pants are acceptable.
Blouses should either be in plain colours or with small, subtle geometric patterns and florals.
Avoid sheer fabrics, oversized prints, frills, ruffles, straps, or plunging necklines.
Do not wear sleeveless blouses.
Have a sure concern of being well tailored.
Hairs should be washed, dried and well styled.
Hairs should be kept in their natural colour and manner.
Where in case of longer hair pull up or back and away from your face.
If possible tie up the hair in a bun. It looks formal.
Go light on makeup as such light make –up projects a professional work image.
Avoid strong perfume. Surely can use deodorant.
Cover up tattoos if any.
Avoid fancy, fashionable and expensive watch and mobile.
Shoes should be medium to low heeled pumps. Avoid open toes or slings. If possible wear shoes which match
or are darker than the hemline.
However, flat shoes are preferred to high heels.
Naked feet are not professional. Wear pants or stockings.
Stockings should be clean and at the same time free from runs.
Beige, tan, or natural colour are some of the preferred colours for stockings.
Avoid gum, candy or cigarettes.
Have a belt in neutral colour and not more than an inch wide.
Limit jewellery to small pieces in gold or silver or pearl.
Avoid dangling earrings and jewerllery. Do not have wrong perception of impressing with jewellery in fact
they create distraction and hindrance during the course of interview.
Remove waste and unwanted bodily piercing. (Nose rings, eyebrow rings etc.)
Nails must be well manicured and quite clean.
Hand bags should be sober and conservative in co-ordinate with the outfit being small n suitable according