Avoidable Interviews Obstacles
All this time you were reading about what all can be done to win a prospective job interview very at the same time I would like to articulate some of the essential obstacles which unknowingly or accidentally hindrance our victory in the interview. Here are some of the things you should avoid during interviews:-
Do not bring your personal information and personal views unless you are asked to.
Don’t let your mind wander during running course of interview.
Never be afraid to sell yourself.
Do not bring up your weakness unless you are asked.
Try to avoid answering just with yes or no. Put up effort to expand your answer with appropriate words.
Avoid being restless and fidget.
Don’t sit with crossed arms in front of your interviewers as such it gives the impression of putting up a barrier between you and interviewers.
Do not pretend to be someone you are not. Your expert interviewers will immediately catch hold of your false portray or any dishonest statement.
Do not arrive too early at the interview venue –as it might indicate how unoccupied you are.
Don’t apply too much perfume or aftershave. Also avoid jewellery.
Try to avoid hard coloured attire.
Avoid small talk or idle conversation during interviews.
So get going! All the best!